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The Virtual Exhibit


To the Exhibit

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Press play to enter


Walk around

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View the dollhouse


See the floorplan

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Use VR goggles

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Move around with the white circles


Open media with coloured circles

The stages are colour-coded:

Orange = shadow puppets
Pink = string puppets
Green = rod puppets
Yellow = hand puppets
Blue = stop-motion puppets

Learn more about the Exhibition in the Shadows Strings and Other Things catalogue focusing on puppet makers 

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5-Minute mini Tours

These short videos take you on a curator-led tour through four of the staged areas: shadows, strings, rods, and hands. They offer insights into the exhibition design and contents. Enjoy!

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Puppet Hide & Seek

Find the puppets hiding in the exhibit:

  • Can you find the puppets dancing on the water?

  • Can you find a policeman?

  • Can you find a baby?

  • Who do you think is the scariest puppet?

  • Can you find the tiniest puppets?

  • Can you find a dragon?

  • Can you find a tiger?

  • How many swords can you find?

  • Can you find a puppet dressed in your favorite colour?

Or play your own game of I-Spy!​

Make your own Shadow Puppets

Your hands, a wall, & a light source are all you need to make your own shadow puppets at home! 

Put your hand between the light and the wall, and you will see the shadow of your
hand projected on the wall. By changing the shape and position of your hand or hands, you can make different characters come to life. Check out the chart below for some animal inspiration!

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How to explore the exhibit

  • Use the white circles as a guide for where to move

    • White circles represent places to stand and can be used to move from one area to the next

  • Or you may find it easier to move with the arrow keys

    • ◀️ and ▶️ to look left and right​

    • 🔼 and 🔽 to move forwards and backward

  • Use the coloured circles to explore objects closer

    • The floor is laid out in 5 stages, and each area is colour coded​

      • Orange = shadow puppets

      • Pink = string puppets

      • Green = rod puppets

      • Yellow = hand puppets

      • Blue = stop-motion puppets

    • The grey circles correspond to general information

    • If there isn't a coloured circle you can also zoom in at different angles on the displays with your mouse


© 2020 by Shadows Strings and Other Things Virtual Exhibit

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